
ELK Biotechnology's Xi'an team-building trip concluded successfully - a three-day trip of history and food

Marketing Department ElkBiotechnology July 16, 2024Recently, the annual team-building activity of Kelu Biotechnology Company started again. All employees went to the ancient capital of Xi'an from July 11 to 13 for a three-day cultural exploration and team cohesion trip. This trip not only deepened the emotional exchanges among employees, but also allowed everyone to appreciate the charm of the thousand-year-old capital, enrich their historical and cultural knowledge, and experience authentic Northwest cuisine.


The first day of the trip, the first cultural experience

On the morning of July 11, the employees of Kelu Biotech set out from Wuhan Station with great expectations and arrived at Xi'an North Station in just 4 hours by high-speed rail. In the afternoon, some people first stepped into the Shaanxi History Museum, as if they had traveled back a thousand years ago, and watched many precious historical relics up close, from bronzes to porcelains, from murals to stone carvings. Each exhibit tells the glory and vicissitudes of Chinese civilization, greatly enriching the cultural vision of the employees.


In the evening, we went to the popular food street, Huimin Street, and tasted authentic mutton soup buns, cold noodles, roujiamo and other special snacks, and then strolled to the Drum Tower to feel the night and prosperity of the ancient city. When night fell, we came to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Tang Dynasty City that Never Sleeps. The bright lights and ancient buildings complemented each other, making people feel as if they were in the dreamland of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.


The next day, explore the mysteries and take a deep historical tour

On the morning of July 12, the employees of Kelu Biotechnology went to the Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, which is known as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" in the morning light. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit No. 1, also known as Pit No. 1, is part of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum and is also the largest and most complete Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit discovered so far. These pottery figurines and pottery horses in the museum are not only an important part of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, but also precious physical materials on the ancient Chinese military system, social outlook, culture and art. They witnessed the power and glory of the Qin Dynasty and provided us with valuable clues to understand the history and culture of ancient China. The scene was crowded, but everyone was still immersed in this spectacular underground military formation and marveled at the exquisite skills of the ancient craftsmen. It is particularly worth mentioning that the policy of free opening of the attraction to citizens under the age of 16 across the country reflects the country's emphasis on youth history education, and also makes many employees sigh at the importance of cultural inheritance.


In the afternoon, the team went to Huaqing Palace, which is not only known as the "No. 1 Hot Spring in the World", but also the site of many historical stories. While enjoying the hot spring culture, everyone listened to the guide's stories about the beacon-fire drama, the love story between Emperor Minghuang of Tang and Yang Guifei, and the historical significance of the "Xi'an Incident", feeling the weight and warmth of history.

As the night fell on July 12, a food party specially prepared for Kelu Bio employees kicked off in a century-old store in Xi'an. The highlight of the banquet was the chef's live demonstration of the production process of mutton soup steamed bun. Under the spotlight, the chef skillfully combined the selected mutton, steamed buns and fragrant bone broth, and every step of the operation revealed his respect and love for this traditional delicacy. As the aroma of mutton soup steamed bun gradually spread, everyone started to taste it. The steaming soup, the delicious mutton, and the chewy steamed buns, every bite is the ultimate temptation to the taste buds. The employees chatted while eating, sharing each other's feelings and interesting stories, and laughter filled the entire banquet hall .


Final chapter: delicious food and fun of free travel

July 13th was the last day of the team building. In the morning, some employees chose to go to Xiaonanmen morning market to experience the daily life of local people. The perfect combination of carbohydrates and carbohydrates - oil tea fried dough twist, spicy soup, etc., gave the taste buds unprecedented satisfaction. In the afternoon, all members gathered and embarked on the journey back to Wuhan with full memories and gains.


This team-building trip to Xi'an is not only a physical journey, but also a spiritual baptism and sublimation of team spirit. Kelu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. said that it will continue to organize more such activities in the future to promote communication and collaboration among employees and jointly promote the construction and development of corporate culture.