Westernblot experiment protein extraction 1) Total protein extraction from adherent cells. Wash the adherent cells with TBS buffer 2-3 times, aspirating the residue as much as possible on the last occasion. Add the appropriate volume of total cell protein extraction reagent (add protease inhib
Method 1: Use OriginPro 2021 software to calculate the ELISA results of the competition kit Step 1: We take PG(Progesterone) ELISA Kit as an example Copy and paste the data of the standard curve into the following table. Press Ctrl+A to select all and then click&n
Adherent cell total protein extraction: Rinse the adherent cells 2-3 times with TBS buffer, blotting the remaining liquid as much as possible the last time. Add an appropriate volume of cell total protein extraction reagent (add protease inhibitor within minutes before use) and lyse in
(1) Centrifuge dry primer powder at 13,000 rpm for 1 min at room temperature before opening the lid. (2) Add DEPC water with 10 times nmole value of water (μL) on the tube wall, vortex to mix, and centrifuge briefly. This is the primer stock solution (100 μM), which is stored at -
High background/non-specific staining Description of results Possible reason Recommendations and Precautions After termination, the whole plate results show a uniform yellow or light color; or the standard curve is linear but